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Reporting Toolkit Installation Problems

Bill Majurski edited this page Nov 22, 2016 · 3 revisions

We develop and test on MAC/OS, Windows, and Linux. Even with this we sometimes get problems with installations. Most often on Windows machines. If Toolkit will not startup properly on your machine here is what to look for in the logs and what to report to us so we can identify the problem.

We need to know about your environment: Operating system name and version, version of Tomcat, vendor and version of Java JDK.

You need to supply us with the Tomcat logs. These are found inside your Tomcat installation in a directory called logs. The details inside the logs directory varies by the OS you are running on. But, the files names that are important follow one or more of these naming conventions:


If your system has the versions without dates, please trim them down to just show todays material. Otherwise they get very large.

Zip up these files and email them directly to me at Please do not send them to the mailing list. They tend to clog inboxes given their size.

What to look for in the logs

Here are some key entries and what they mean. The examples shown are off my development machine.

Initializing toolkit in SimServlet
...warHome is /Users/bill/Library/Caches/IntelliJIdea2016.2/gwt/toolkit2.f6be686/xdstools2.a2ef4ffe/run/www

Toolkit has started to initialize and location of the (possibly expanded) WAR file is shown.

Loading toolkit properties from    /Users/bill/Library/Caches/IntelliJIdea2016.2/gwt/toolkit2.f6be686/xdstools2.a2ef4ffe/run/www/WEB-INF/classes/

Location of inside the WAR.

Installation: External Cache set to /Users/bill/tmp/toolkit2a

The file has been parsed and the location of the External Cache has been extracted.

Toolkit running at localhost:8888

Based on the the content of, this is where Toolkit thinks it is running. This is critical since this location is built into simulator endpoints when they are created.

Initializing ADT Listeners...
Port range is [5000, 5015]

The ports listed in that Toolkit is authorized to use to setup listeners for ADT messages. One port is used for each Registry simulator created.

Loading runtime for sim...

Multiple lines are generate for each simulator configured. You may not have any simulators defined so this content may not display.

Collections found:
[TestData, hidden, Ret.b, iig, R.b, ASync, idstool, lifecycle, rec, rig, ODContentBundle, PR.b, ig_ad, reg, Registration, rg_xua, rep, ig, iigtool, ResetPid, reg_isr, ig_xua, rgtool, reg_od, rsnaedgetool, folder, SQ.b, rg, ids, reg_mpq, reg_mu, rigtool]
Writing /Users/bill/Library/Caches/IntelliJIdea2016.2/gwt/toolkit2.f6be686/xdstools2.a2ef4ffe/run/www/toolkitx/testkit/collections/
Writing /Users/bill/Library/Caches/IntelliJIdea2016.2/gwt/toolkit2.f6be686/xdstools2.a2ef4ffe/run/www/toolkitx/testkit/collections/
Writing /Users/bill/Library/Caches/IntelliJIdea2016.2/gwt/toolkit2.f6be686/xdstools2.a2ef4ffe/run/www/toolkitx/testkit/collections/
Writing /Users/bill/Library/Caches/IntelliJIdea2016.2/gwt/toolkit2.f6be686/xdstools2.a2ef4ffe/run/www/toolkitx/testkit/collections/

This is Toolkit indexing the Test Kit(s) so that it can find tests that belong to certain collections.

Reconfiguring Simulator default__reg_sut
Reconfiguring Simulator default__rep1
    Register_endpoint:  - does not validate - Do not understand getProtocol , only http and https accepted
    Register_TLS_endpoint:  - does not validate - Do not understand getProtocol , only http and https accepted

There is a Reconfiguring... message for each simulator in your EC/simdb directory. Toolkit is scanning simulators and checking that the endpoints configured in the simulators match the current installation of toolkit (host and port). If they do not match they are updated. The errors reported above are caused by the simulator configuration not having values for some endpoints.

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