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Test Documentation

Bill Majurski edited this page Aug 24, 2016 · 10 revisions

Writing test documentation for XDS Toolkit

The documentation style documented here is meant to coordinate with the new Conformance Test Tool.

Test structure

A test is made up of sections which contain one or more steps. The following rules apply:

  • A step corresponds to a single transaction.
  • A section contains 1 or more steps.
  • A section can be run independently. When run, it executes all its steps in order specified.
  • The common reason to pack two steps into a section is to make sure they are always executed together. An example is a Patient Identity Feed transaction followed by a Register Document transaction. Every time you register this document (in our example scenario) you want to assure it is given a new/unique Patient ID. To ensure this the two transactions are packed into one section (each transaction in its own step).
  • There are older tests where independent operations are packed into steps in a section. This is discouraged.
  • In a multi-section test, the sections can be run independently, unless...
  • Sections of a test can have dependencies with one section needing the output of a previous section. Actually it is the steps that have dependencies but given the one step per section rule...
  • Sections run in a proscribed order.
  • When a test is run, all of it sections are run in order.

Test directory structure

A part of toolkit called the testkit contains the test definitions. A test is a directory with proscribed content. An example:


The directory 12121 is a test definition. Its ID is 12121.

readme.txt - contains two things. The first line is the short description of the test. The rest of the file is the long description of the test.

sections - the directories submit and query are sections. They are identified as sections because they are directories and they are listed in index.idx.

index.idx - list of section names in order of execution. Each section name is placed alone on a line. In this example the contents are:


Note that directories within a test definition that are not listed in index.idx are not sections. They are ignored.

section structure - each section has a testplan.xml that controls the execution of the section. There may be other files in the section directory that are reference from the testplan.xml file.

A testplan looks like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><TestPlan>
  <Rule>Retrieve metadata to get access to XDSDocumentEntry.repositoryUniqueId and XDSDocumentEntry.uniqueId</Rule>
  <TestStep id="by_uid">
      Transaction - GetDocuments Stored Query
      Target - DocumentEntry just submitted
      Evaluation - Transaction is successful
      <UseId testdir="../submit" id="Document01" symbol="$docuid$" step="submit" section="AssignedUids"/>
      <Report name="repuid" section="Result">
        <Documents count="1"/>

Test documentation

Tests and steps have documentation. Sections are just groups of steps so they have no documentation.

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