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Developing MoMA

Michael Mell edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 4 revisions

If you want to run MoMA from source you will need to clone the main repository and use Maven to compile it. If this does not speak to you it might be a bit overwhelming at first to get started doing this. In this case you might find this page helpful. (Mainly Section 3 about 'Key developer tools'.)

Using Eclipse

The open-source community around Fiji and ImageJ makes heavy use of Maven as a build system and Eclipse as the development environment (IDE). This holds also true for MoMA. In case you'd like to use other IDEs, e.g. IntelliJ, please go ahead and do so. Below we only consider the Eclipse workflow since it is the only environment we use to develop MoMA.

In Eclipse you can simply import the project via File - Import... - Existing Maven Projects.

After importing Eclipse will download all dependencies automatically and you should be able to run MoMA by starting up the class defined in Note that you will have to set all obligatory CLI parameters.

Step by step:

  • After importing the project as described above you can find it in the view called 'Package Explorer'.
  • can be found in the package com.jug under src/main/java. Open it by double clicking.
  • Run it via Run - Run in the menu.
  • The console will show you an error message due to missing CLI parameters MoMA expects. This can be changed by...
  • ...going to 'Run - Run configurations...'. There select MoMA's run configuration on the left, and and navigate to the Arguments tab on the right half of the window. You will need to specify at least the -i <input_folder> and -c <#_of_channels> CLI parameters, eg. like this:
-i /Users/maxmustermann/demopath_pos0_GL04 -c 2


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