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JasperLorelai edited this page Jan 17, 2025 · 18 revisions

Source Code

spell-class: ".targeted.ConversationSpell"
Value Supported
entity true
location false
entity_from_location false


Opens a chat prompt that can be used to store the target's response in a variable. This is a targeted spell, so remember to use target-self: true to capture the caster's response instead.


Option Description
conversation Starts a section with a number of options. Will fail if not defined.

Conversation Options:

Option Description Type Default
prefix Accepts a string. String
local-echo Whether or not to let the player see their responses in chat. Boolean true
timeout-seconds The amount of time until the conversation automatically closes. Integer 30
escape-sequence The string (in quotes) the player can send to exit the conversation spell. String
first-prompt Name is misleading - you can only have one prompt. Starts a section with several options. It will fail if not defined. Prompt Options

Prompt Options:

Option Description
prompt-type Accepts the values regex, fixed-set, or enum.
prompt-text Accepts a string. The message that will be sent to the player upon the spell being cast.
variable-name The variable to save the response to.

Expand that same section with the prompt type's specific options. For:

  • regex - add regexp option which accepts a valid RegExp string. To capture any chat message, set this to .*
  • fixed-set - add an options string list for valid expected responses.
  • enum - add enum-class string with the full qualified class name of an enum. For example, limit valid responses to Paper's potion effect types by setting the string to the package and class name: org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType.


        type: playerstring

    spell-class: ".targeted.ConversationSpell"
    target-self: true
        prefix: "&3&l[&bQuest&3&l] &7"
        local-echo: true
            prompt-type: fixed-set
            prompt-text: |
                Are you a magic user? Can you help me?
                &3Do you want to accept this quest? §bType your response!
                &7- &aYes
                &7- &cNo
                - "Yes"
                - "No"
            variable-name: response
        timeout-seconds: 6
        escape-sequence: "Exit"

The example below shows a way to cast a spell to utilise the response as soon as one is captured.

        type: playerstring

    spell-class: ".MultiSpell"
    variable-mods-cast: [response =unset]
    spells: [conversation, conversation_loop]

    spell-class: ".targeted.ConversationSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    target-self: true
        local-echo: false
        timeout-seconds: 10
        escape-sequence: "Exit"
            prompt-type: regex
            prompt-text: "&3Enter password:"
            regexp: ".*"
            variable-name: response

    spell-class: ".targeted.LoopSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    duration: 10 * 20
    interval: 10
    targeted: false
    cancel-on-death: true
    spells: [check_response]

    spell-class: ".MultiSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    modifiers: [variablestringequals response=unset deny]
    spells: [report_response(mode=full), stop_loop]

    spell-class: ".targeted.CleanseSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    target-self: true
    remove: ["loop:conversation_loop"]

    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
    helper-spell: true
    str-cast-self: "%var:response%"
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