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JasperLorelai edited this page Jan 18, 2025 · 2 revisions

Source Code

spell-class: ".targeted.MaterializeSpell"
Value Supported
entity false
location true
entity_from_location false
  • delayed - Plays the effect at the block's location when and if the block is reset.
  • blockdestruction - Plays the effect at the block's location after reset-delay (if it was used).


Materialize a block or pattern of blocks.


Since 4.0 Beta 13 height and fall-height support dynamic values through numeric expressions.

Option Description Type Default
block-type The type of block to materialize. String "stone"
reset-delay How long to wait before removing the materialized block. Set to 0 for permanent placement. Integer 0
falling Whether to make the materialized block fall (apply sand physics). Boolean false
apply-physics Whether to make the summoned block use normal physics. (Sand and gravel would fall, sugar cane would require sand/grass and water, etc.) Boolean true
check-plugins Whether the spell should check block-related plugins. Boolean true
play-break-effect Play the block break effect of the materialized block. Boolean true
str-failed Message sent to the caster when the spell fails. Rich Text
use-pattern Enables the use of patterns. Boolean false
patterns Define a list of blocks to be used per row. If there are more rows than pattern lists, it will repeat. It will go through until the pattern lists are all used up. String List
restart-pattern-each-row Explanation listed below the config option boxes, as it's too long to fit in here. Boolean false
randomize-pattern Randomize a row's pattern. Boolean false
stretch-pattern Generates 1 floor, then stretches that result until the height is reached. Boolean false
area Define an area of blocks to materialize. String "1x1"
height Define the area's height to materialize. Integer 1
fall-height Change how high falling blocks fall from. Double 0.5
remove-blocks Whether the blocks should be removed. Boolean true


Normally, the pattern continues if it has been reset. gold_block,iron_block pattern will continue within a 3x3 becoming...


This option makes it...



    spell-class: ".targeted.MaterializeSpell"
    description: Summons a water spring into existence.
    cast-item: stick
    cooldown: 120
    range: 8
    block-type: water
    reset-delay: 200
    apply-physics: true
    check-plugins: true
        - mana 10
    str-cost: 10 mana
    str-no-target: No target found.
    str-failed: ""
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