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JasperLorelai edited this page Jul 28, 2024 · 2 revisions

Source Code

class: Wave


This effect creates a wavy horizontal plane.


Option Default
type "repeating"
period 5
iterations 50


Option Description Type Default
mainParticle Particle "drip_water"
cloudParticle Particle "cloud"
cloudColor Color
velocity Velocity of the wave. Format: x,y,z. String
particlesFront Amount of particles forming the tube. Integer 10
particlesBack Amount of particles forming the back. Integer 10
rows Rows to build the wave in the width. Integer 20
lengthFront The distance from the origin location to the first point of the wave. Float 1.5
lengthBack The distance from the origin location to the last point of the wave. Float 3
depthFront Depth of the parabola tube. Float 1
heightBack Height of the parabola arc forming the back. Float 0.5
height Height of the wave in blocks. Float 2
width Width of the wave in blocks. Float 5
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