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JasperLorelai edited this page Nov 23, 2024 · 9 revisions

Source Code

spell-class: ".targeted.SummonSpell"
  • delayed - Plays the effect on the player that accepts a teleportation request.
Value Supported
entity true
location false
entity_from_location true


This spell teleports players. If spell cast arguments are passed either with the cast command or subspell args, the player whose username is passed as the first argument will be teleported to the caster. If no arguments are passed, then the caster has to target a sign block with the username of a player that should be teleported to the sign.


Since 4.0 Beta 13 some of these options support dynamic values through numeric or string expressions.

Option Description Type Default Supports expressions
max-accept-delay Max accept delay (in ticks). Integer 90 true
require-exact-name Defines if the spell should require the exact player name. Boolean false true
require-acceptance Defines if the spell requires the player's acceptance. Boolean true true
accept-command Accept command - what they write after a /. String "accept" false
str-usage Message sent to the caster when he uses the spell in the wrong way. Rich Text "Usage: /cast summon, or /cast summon while looking at a sign with a player name on the first line." true
str-summon-pending Message sent to the caster. Rich Text "You are being summoned! Type /accept to teleport." true
str-summon-expired Message sent when the summon expires. Rich Text "The summon has expired." true
str-summon-accepted Message sent when the target accepts the summon. Rich Text "You have been summoned." true


    spell-class: ".targeted.SummonSpell"
    require-exact-name: false
    require-acceptance: true
    max-accept-delay: 90
    accept-command: accept
    str-usage: |
        Usage: /cast summon <playername>, or /cast summon 
        while looking at a sign with a player name on the first line.
    str-no-target: Target player not found.
    str-summon-pending: You are being summoned! Type /accept to teleport.
    str-summon-accepted: You have been summoned.
    str-summon-expired: The summon has expired.
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