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ChronoKeeper edited this page Jul 15, 2019 · 12 revisions



Targeted Spell. Phase through blocks.

Configuration Options:

Option Description Default Value
phasable-blocks A list of block types that can be phased through. If this option is empty or left out, all blocks can be phased through. (empty)
max-distance The maximum distance the caster can travel through solid matter to reach open air. This includes the distance leading up to the wall (the range). 15
range The maximum distance the caster can be from the wall they are trying to phase through. true
str-cant-phase The message that appears if the spell fails. Unable to find a place to phase to.

Spell Default:

    spell-class: ".instant.PhaseSpell"
    name: phase
    spell-icon: diamond
    description: Phase through solid matter.
    cast-item: stick
    cooldown: 10
    range: 5
    max-distance: 15
    phasable-blocks: []
        - mana 15
    str-cost: 15 mana
    str-cant-phase: Unable to find place to phase to.
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