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project-owner edited this page Jan 24, 2020 · 7 revisions

Here is the sequence of steps for Express installation:

  1. Download the latest Peppy Player disk image for Adafruit 3.5" LCD. The details of this disk image can be found here.
  2. Extract disk image from the zip file.
  3. Write disk image to the Micro SD flash card. The minimum size of card should be 4GB.
  4. Insert flash card with image into Raspberry Pi and switch power on. Wait about 1 minute until initial booting process finishes and Peppy Player UI shows up on Adafruit LCD.
  5. Login to Raspberry Pi through SSH using putty. Specify user pi and password (e.g. Rubens for the Rubens Edition). Change password running raspi-config from command line. Set timezone.
  6. All Peppy Player disk images have configuration for on-board Raspberry Pi audio system. To configure HiFiBerry Amp2 amplifier follow the steps described here.
  7. In order to use IR remote control IR sensor should be connected to GPIO pin #23. To enable IR remote control functionality remove comment from the following line in file /boot/config.txt: dtoverlay=gpio-ir,gpio_pin=23. If you have IR remote control for WD TV LIVE player you can start using it right away. Otherwise you need to provide your own LIRC configuration files. The parameter lirc in Peppy configuration file config.txt should be set to True.
  8. To enable Rotary Encoders parameter rotary.encoders in Peppy configuration file config.txt should be set to True.
  9. Reboot.

After completing all these steps Peppy Player should be ready to use.

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