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Podcasts Browser

project-owner edited this page Nov 5, 2022 · 10 revisions

The default podcasts playlist contains 11 links to the classical music podcasts. The playlist is located in the file /home/pi/Peppy/playlists/podcasts.m3u. The default links to the podcasts can be removed from the playlist and new user-defined links can be added instead. The link should point to the podcast's RSS feed.

Peppy player can handle only audio podcasts. It doesn't handle video podcasts (files with extension 'mp4').

Podcasts Browser

The Podcasts Browser allows to select the particular podcast from the playlist. The player loads and parses podcast's feed file for each podcast. From the feed file player fetches the link to the podcast's logo image, loads the image and displays that image in menu together with short podcast description fetched from the feed file as well.


Podcast Episodes Browser

The Podcast Episodes Browser will be displayed upon clicking on the podcast in the Podcast Browser (see above). The episode browser will display three episodes per page. The episodes can be in one of the three states:

  1. Available. This is the default state indicating that the episode is available online.
  2. Loading. This state indicates that the episode is currently loading to the local disk.
  3. Saved. This state indicates that the episode was successfully downloaded to the disk. The saved episodes can be played back in the offline mode when there is no the Internet connection.


To download the episode it should be kept pressed for about 1 second. The episodes will be loaded to the folder specified in the property podcasts.folder in the config.txt file. Here is the default location:

podcasts.folder = /home/pi/podcasts

The player doesn't create the folder for download if it doesn't exist. The folder should be created in advance.

To delete the downloaded episode from the disk the corresponding menu item should be kept pressed for about one second.


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Home Home home, go home Go to Home Screen
Podcasts Menu M menu Switch to the Podcasts Browser
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Player Space player, go player Open Podcasts Player screen
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Select menu item Enter okay, select Select highlighted menu item
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