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Radio Player

project-owner edited this page May 3, 2021 · 4 revisions

Here is the Radio player UI.



Icon Name Remote Control (WD TV) Keyboard Voice Command Description
Shutdown End shut down Shutdown player (should be pressed twice)
Previous Station Left arrow key previous Go to the previous station
Previous Page Page Down previous page Go to the previous stations page
Home Home home, go home Open Home screen
Play/Pause Space play, pause Play/Pause
Next Station Right arrow key next Go to the next station
Next Page Page Up next page Go to the next stations page
Genre M genre, go genre Open genres screen
Volume Up Keypad + volume up Increase volume
Volume Down Keypad - volume down Decrease volume
Mute X mute Mute sound
Select Enter okay, select Switch to Page Mode (Station Mode), Select station (Page Mode)
Voice Assistant Activate/Deactivate Voice Assistant

Common Buttons

Both modes Station and Page have the following common buttons:

  • Shutdown Button. This toggle button should be clicked twice in order to shutdown the player. This is done to exclude accidental shutdown. If between these two clicks any other button will be clicked the shutdown action will be canceled. Upon the second click of the Shutdown Button Peppy player issues the following command (Linux platform): sudo poweroff. This is the recommended way to switch off the player because only during this process the player saves the current settings which include: current language, current genre and current station.


  • Genre Button. The icon of the Genre Button shows the current genre. Genre Screen will be displayed in place of Station Screen after clicking on Genre Button.

  • Home Button. The Home Screen will be displayed after clicking on this button.

  • Play/Pause Button. This button provides functionality to control audio playback. Clicking on this button switches playback mode from Play to Pause and back.


Navigation Buttons

Navigation buttons have different functionality in different modes.

  • Navigation Left. This button serves two purposes: to switch to the station located on the left side from the current station and to display the number of stations on the left side from the current station.

  • Navigation Right. This button serves the same purposes as the previous button but for the right side.

  • Navigation Page Left. This button switches to the next page of stations on the left side.

  • Navigation Page Right. This button switches to the next page of stations on the right side.

Title Bar

After switching from one station to another this component shows the name of newly selected station. If radio station doesn't provide the artist and song names the station name will be displayed all the time. The station name comes from the playlist file.

The Title Bar dynamically adjusts the way of displaying information depending on the size of the displayed string. There are four modes of displaying information in the title bar:

  1. The string will be displayed using the default font size if it fits to the screen width.


  1. If the string displayed with default font size doesn't fit into the screen width the font size will be reduced. The string with reduced font size will be displayed if it fits into the screen width.


  1. If the string with reduced font size doesn't fit into the screen width then the string will be broken into two parts: artist name which will be displayed as the first string and song name which will be displayed under the first string.


  1. If the strings in the previous approach don't fit into the screen width then the string will displayed using the default font and the string will be animated.


Volume Bar

The Volume control component serves two purposes: to adjust volume level and to mute sound. There are two ways to adjust volume level. One way is to click on the volume knob and holding the mouse button down drag the knob to the desired position. Another way is just to click on the Volume Bar in the desired position. The knob will jump to that position and the volume level will be changed accordingly.


The single click on the volume knob will mute the sound.


Album Art

Peppy Player shows album art for all radio stations which provide such information as current artist and current song name. The images are retrieved from web site. In most cases (~90%) the images are correct. In some cases the images are not correct either due to ambiguity in the query string or because of multiple results returned from Peppy player is always using the first image returned from the Here are some examples of Radio Player with album art from


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