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project-owner edited this page Sep 25, 2022 · 3 revisions

The Pexels screensaver displays the pictures from the web site This is one of the largest online photo collections. The player should be connected to the Internet in order to use this screensaver. The player loads images from that site using user-defined topics. The topics can be defined in the configuration file as a comma separated strings. The topic can be any English word, for example forest, space, sea, animals etc. The player sends those topics to the Pexels web site and receives back the randomly selected pictures for the specified topics.

If the topics have not been defined then the default topics will be in use (nature, animals, forest, city). Here are the example pictures for the default topics.


Configuration Parameters

The screensaver has the following configuration parameters in file screensaver-config.txt:

[Plugin Configuration]
update.period = 10
page.size = 12
topics = nature, animals, forest, city
  • update.period - defines in seconds time interval for pictures updates.
  • page.size - defines how many pictures will be loaded from the Pexels web site. It's not recommended to specify too large number as all images are cached in memory.
  • topics - comma separated topics in English.

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