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Release Assets Guide
Here is a list of materials (texts, pictures, ...) that are needed for releasing on various platforms. The focus lies in art and promotional assets that must be produced or applied. Things like a press-kit, ... are purposely ignored. Most of the listed assets are required, but some are optional, so they are marked accordingly. Assets that are reusable across multiple platforms are also marked for convenience.
Please be aware that there may be some assets missing, as this is not a complete list. Make sure to inform yourself and read the documentation for your platform. This information is to my best knowledge; however, I do not guarantee that it is correct or up-to-date.
Probably the easiest and most generic way to publish. It is great for game jams and prototypes, if you do not want to create your own website or if you just want to get your game out there.
- Android apps should be signed (e.g., via Unity's Keystore Manager)
- Short Description - Short hook, describing and highlighting the selling points of your game in an interesting way - 1–2 sentences - (Compatible) with short descriptions of other platforms
- Long Description - Arbitrary Length - Describe some of your features, your world,... - Put socials like Discord or other information in here - Take a look at other similar games - Describe the controls of your game when not having a dedicated tutorial - Exclude this description when using the text on other platforms!!! - (Compatible) with long descriptions of other platforms
A guide for creating and uploading the graphics can be found (here)[https://hedgiespresso.itch.io/itch-page-image-templates].
- Cover Image (630px x 500px) - Actually optional, but come on! Don't be that lazy :D - Should contain your game's name in an art style you see fitting for your game - Displayed in the store overview and the search results
- Store Banner (960px x 400px) - Can be similar to your cover image - Displayed as the header of your store page
- Screenshots (1280px x 720px and/or 1920px x 1080px) - I would suggest somewhere in the range of 3-5, but more should be okay - Should show in-game events that look exciting and highlight some of your mechanics - E.g. Show your grappling mechanic in action; tease an early boss or cutscene rater; and create a beautiful landscape/image from inside the game - Avoid UI, screenshots 'outside' the game, or insignificant screenshots - Order your screenshots, placing the most exciting ones first - (Compatible) if 1920px x 1080px with screenshots for all platforms
- (Optional) A store background image (any resolution) - Should fit the theme of your game - Keep it clean, simple and restrained. This is just a background, after all. - Best make the graphic 'seamless' as it will probably be tiled because of the different monitor/window sizes
- (Optional) Gameplay Trailer - Should be exciting as it is a huge selling point - Use a hook/tease to gain attention - Just post it on YouTube - Video should at least be in HD! - A great (GDC talk about this topic)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWd7F0z1W_Y] - (Compatible) with trailers for all platforms
- (Optional) Tutorial Video
For VR apps this is a good option as it is a good balance between accessibility and work load, when compared to serious publishing via the Quest Store.
It can be combined with Itch.io as a website for your game and for PC distribution. Other options are the Quest Store, App Lab Publishing or Steam.
Here is a (listing guide)[https://sidequestvr.com/listing-guide]
- Apps must be signed (E.g. via Unity's Keystore Manager)
- Short Description - Short hook, describing and highlighting the selling points of your game in an interesting way - 1–2 sentences - (Compatible) with short descriptions of other platforms
- Long Description - Arbitrary Length - Describe some of your features, your world, ... - Put socials like Discord or other information in here - Take a look at other similar games - Describe the controls of your game when not having a dedicated tutorial - Exclude this description when using the text on other platforms!!! - (Compatible) with long descriptions of other platforms
- Banner (2048px x 512px) - Ambient background header of your store page - Be aware of the safe zones from the listing guide
- Listing Thumbnail (854px x 480px) - Should contain your game's name in an art style you see fitting for your game - Displayed on your store page and when your app is searched for or recommended in the store - Be aware of the safe zones from the listing guide
- (Optional) Title Image (Suggestion: 2048px x 512px) - Will be displayed in the background for various sections/headers on your page - The safe zone varies but is a bit smaller than the one on the banner
- Screenshots (1920px x 1080px) - I would suggest somewhere in the range of 3-5, but more should be okay - Should show in-game events that look exciting and highlight some of your mechanics - E.g. Show your grappling mechanic in action; tease an early boss or cutscene rater; and create a beautiful landscape/image from inside the game - Avoid UI, screenshots 'outside' the game, or insignificant screenshots - Order your screenshots, placing the most exciting ones first - (Compatible) with screenshots for all platforms
- Gameplay trailer - Should be exciting as it is a huge selling point - Use a hook/tease to gain attention - Just post it on YouTube - Video should at least be in HD! - A great (GDC talk about this topic)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWd7F0z1W_Y] - (Compatible) with trailers for all platforms
- Apps must be signed (E.g. via Unity's Keystore Manager)
- There are some (strict regulations)[https://www.google.com/search?q=oculus+quest+store+publish&sca_esv=560664892&sxsrf=AB5stBilVoUq_1QefqmU6q6wGNN1VX5isQ%3A1693233796915&ei=hLLsZM68N4yP9u8PgdWy-Aw&ved=0ahUKEwjOjvK3y_-AAxWMh_0HHYGqDM8Q4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=oculus+quest+store+publish&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGm9jdWx1cyBxdWVzdCBzdG9yZSBwdWJsaXNoMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAFIrxpQgQFYpxhwAXgBkAEAmAHrAaAB-RSqAQYwLjEyLjK4AQPIAQD4AQHCAgoQABhHGNYEGLADwgIKEAAYigUYsAMYQ8ICChAAGIoFGLEDGEPCAhAQABiABBgUGIcCGLEDGIMBwgIHEAAYigUYQ8ICCxAAGIoFGLEDGIMBwgIFEAAYgATCAgoQABiABBgUGIcCwgIIEAAYgAQYywHCAgYQABgWGB7CAggQIRgWGB4YHcICBxAhGKABGArCAgQQIRgV4gMEGAAgQYgGAZAGCg&sclient=gws-wiz-serp] for publishing
The publishing will be via a special site partners.steamworks.com
and you will need to download Steams Steamworks SDK
Everything you need to do is well documented on their website once you pay the Steam-Direct-Fee (100 dollars). For the SDK, there are also some videos on YouTube on how to use it.
- 100 Dollar to publish a single application
- Website - GitHub Pages should be fine too (not sure though) - Compatible with all other Platforms
- Socials (Facebook, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter) - Compatible with all other Platforms
- System Requirements - Can be copied from other similar games
- Support e-mail or website
- (Optional) Taxpayer Identification - Ignore if not charging money for/in your app! - Might save you money, but you will need to hand in a US tax declaration - I would only recommend it when expecting noticeable returns (or being eligible) - US Citizens: US SSN (Social Security Number) - Foreigners: ITIN (Individuals) or EIN (Companies) - Can be applied for online
- Short Description - Short hook, describing and highlighting the selling points of your game in an interesting way - 1–2 sentences, 200–300 Characters - SUPER IMPORTANT!!!
- Long Description - Arbitrary Length - Describe some of your features, your world,... - Put socials like Discord or other information in here - Take a look at other similar games
Make sure the graphics match your game's art style and/or theme. In most cases, it is advised to emphasize your game's name and logo. Make sure it is always visible and readable.
- Header Capsule (460px x 215px) - Will be displayed as an 'app icon' in the library and for promotional purposes in the store
- Small Capsule (231px x 87px) - Will be displayed via news popups and as an icon in the store search
- Main Capsule (616px x 353px) - Displayed when featured on the store's main page
- Vertical Capsule (374px x 448px) - Displayed during seasonal sales as a vertical element
- Screenshots (1280px x 270px and/or 1920px x 1080px) - I would suggest somewhere in the range of 3-5, but more should be okay - Should show in-game events that look exiting and highlight some of your mechanics - E.g. Show your grappling mechanic in action; tease an early boss or cutscene rater; A beautiful landscape/image from inside the game - Avoid UI, screenshots 'outside' the game or insignificant screenshots - Order your screenshots, placing the most exciting ones first - (Compatible) if 1920px x 1080px with screenshots for all platforms
- (Optional) Store Page Background (1438px x 810px) - Background for your store page
- (Optional) Trailer Miniature - Preview image for your trailer, will otherwise be automatically generated
- Gameplay trailer - Should be exiting as it is a huge selling point - Use a hook/tease to gain attention - Just post it on YouTube - Video should at least be in HD! - A great (GDC talk about this topic)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWd7F0z1W_Y] - (Compatible) with trailers for all platforms
Autor: Luca 'eisclimber' Dreiling; License: MIT
- Getting Started
- Development and Contribution
- Misc
- Experimentation
- Data Gatherering
- Eye Tracking
- ExPresS XR Rig
- Interaction
- Base Button
- Button Quiz
- Collision Hand Rumbler
- Collision Sound Emitter
- Exit Game Interactable (Script Deprecated)
- Interactables
- Haptic Impulse Trigger
- Socket Interactors
- Inverse Kinematics
- Localization
- Minigames
- Coin Scale
- Coin Throw
- Sword Cleaning
- Misc
- Movement
- Presentation
- UI