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slack qa team 2020 04 03
akabeko edited this page Apr 19, 2020
1 revision
Time (UTC) | Icon | Name | Message |
00:23 | yamasy1549 |
https://github.com/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.org/pull/12 mergeしました。これからいくつか確認するのでシェアはもう少し待ってください〜(確認終わったらお知らせします!)<https://vivliostyle-org.yamasy1549.now.sh/ |
00:23 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: https://github.com/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.org/pull/12 Merged. Please wait a little more to share some more to check in the future ~ (I'll let you know when you're done!) | |
00:38 | shinyu | Vivliostyle.js の 2.0.0 正式版これから作ります。yarn version:graduate ですね |
00:38 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: Vivliostyle.js 2.0.0 official version I will make it from now on. `` `yarn version: graduate``` is not it |
00:43 | shinyu | ブラウザのキャッシュのせいですが、旧スタイルシートが使われてしまい、とても崩れた表示になります。これは仕方ないでしょうか? https://www.dropbox.com/s/nnho4wn4tk6rc0x/Screenshot%202020-04-03%2009.40.41.png?dl=0 [no preview available] |
00:43 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: Due to the browser cache, the old style sheet is used and the display is very broken. Is this inevitable? https://www.dropbox.com/s/nnho4wn4tk6rc0x/Screenshot%202020-04-03%2009.40.41.png?dl=0 |
00:47 | yamasy1549 | スタイルシートのファイル名変えたら解決しそうです。しましょうか? | |
00:47 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: It seems to be solved if you change the style sheet file name. Shall we? | |
00:48 | shinyu | はい、そうしてください | |
00:48 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: Yes, please | |
00:51 | yamasy1549 |
https://github.com/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.org/pull/23 良さそうならmergeします
00:51 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: https://github.com/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.org/pull/23 Merge if it looks good | |
00:52 | yamasy1549 | ✅ facebook, twitter でのシェア画像大丈夫そうです | |
00:52 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: : white_check_mark: Share image on facebook and twitter seems to be OK | |
00:53 | yamasy1549 | ✅ Google Analytics 動いてます | |
00:53 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: : white_check_mark: Google Analytics is running | |
01:00 | shinyu | もう少しテストしてから yarn version:graduate します。配布パッケージ版は、こちらでは Mac と Windows で少しだけしかテストできてません。テストできる方はどうかよろしくhttps://vivliostyle.org/download/ Vivliostyle — open source, web browser based CSS typesetting engine project |
01:00 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: Do a little more testing and then yarn version: graduate . The distribution package version can only be tested a bit here on Mac and Windows. Anyone who can testhttps://vivliostyle.org/download/ |
01:18 | shinyu | いまyarn version:graduate します。 |
01:18 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: I'm doing yarn version: graduate now. |
01:20 | shinyu | *<https://github.com/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js/compare/0b27280a0701...c242e1854e1a |
01:22 | shinyu | エラーが出ないことを祈る https://travis-ci.org/github/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js/buildsTravis CI enables your team to test and ship your apps with confidence. Easily sync your projects with Travis CI and you'll be testing your code in minutes. |
01:22 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: I hope that there is no error https://travis-ci.org/github/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js/builds | |
01:23 | shinyu | エラーが https://vivliostyle.slack.com/archives/CAKE04A83/p1585876983018700Deployment failed with the following error:request to https://api.zeit.co/v10/now/deployments?teamId=team_nFoFKt6N5sFTt3IpPTrY58Dn&skipAutoDetectionConfirmation=1 failed, reason: socket hang up |
01:23 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: The error is https://vivliostyle.slack.com/archives/CAKE04A83/p1585876983018700 | |
01:28 | shinyu |
@uetchy @spring-raining nowのエラー これはなんでしょう? |
01:28 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: Now error な ん What is this? | |
01:31 | spring-raining |
@uetchy now integrationの設定私は見られないので確認してもらえますか? |
01:31 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: I can't see the settings for now integration | |
01:33 | shinyu | npmとGitHub Releases は出来たみたいです。 | |
01:33 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: It seems that npm and GitHub Releases are done. | |
01:49 | shinyu | リリースノートの自動生成に少し問題があります。 https://github.com/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js/releases/tag/v2.0.0 この v2.0.0 のリリースノートに、その前のリリース版である 2019.8.101 よりあとの変更が書かれると思っていたのですが、そうではなくて、前のプレリリース版からの変更だけ書かれることになるのですね。 v2.0.0-pre.1 から v2.0.0-pre.4 はGitHubリリースの自動化がされてなかったので、そのあいだの変更はリリースノートにありません。 https://github.com/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md にはあります。 そこで、今回は手動で CHANGELOG.md の内容を書くことにします。 [vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js] CHANGELOG.md |
01:49 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: There is a slight problem with automatically generating release notes. https://github.com/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js/releases/tag/v2.0.0 I thought that the v2.0.0 release notes would include changes after the previous release, 2019.8.101, but only the changes from the previous prerelease. That would be. Since v2.0.0-pre.1 to v2.0.0-pre.4 were not automated GitHub releases, the changes between them are not in the release notes. https://github.com/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md There is. Therefore, this time, I will manually write the contents of CHANGELOG.md. |
02:03 | shinyu | nowによるCanaryリリース(中身は v2.0.0 と同じ)も問題なくできているようです。 | |
02:03 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: It seems that the Canary release by now (the contents are the same as v2.0.0) has been done without problems. | |
02:03 | uetchy | やったね | |
02:03 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: I did it | |
02:18 | shinyu | この v2.0.0 のリリースノートに次の1行だけが書かれている状態なのですが、この行も異常です。# [](<https://github.com/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js/compare/v2.0.0...v>) (2020-04-03) |
02:18 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: In the v2.0.0 release notes, only the following line is written. This line is also abnormal.`# [] (<https://github.com/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js/compare/v2.0.0...v>) (2020-04-03)` |
02:18 | shinyu | このあと手動で直すので直す前のスクショ: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ubiv8ghw04qganl/Screenshot%202020-04-03%2011.09.12.png?dl=0 [no preview available] |
02:18 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: After this, I will fix it manually. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ubiv8ghw04qganl/Screenshot%202020-04-03%2011.09.12.png?dl=0 |
02:26 | shinyu | Travis CI の Job log https://travis-ci.org/github/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js/jobs/670385938 を見ると、conventional-changelog のところで次のメッセージが出てます(これは関係ないよう) Deprecation: [@octokit/rest] “file” parameter is deprecated for “.repos.uploadReleaseAsset()“. Use “data” instead Travis CI enables your team to test and ship your apps with confidence. Easily sync your projects with Travis CI and you'll be testing your code in minutes. |
02:26 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: Travis CI Job log https://travis-ci.org/github/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js/jobs/670385938 See the following message in the conventional-changelog (this seems to be irrelevant) Deprecation: [@ octokit / rest] “file” parameter is deprecated for “.repos.uploadReleaseAsset ()“. Use “data” instead |
02:27 | shinyu |
@uetchy わかることあったら、よろしく |
02:27 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: If you can understand, | |
02:27 | shinyu | (“This is a pre-release” が自動でチェックされるようにするのも、できれば) | |
02:28 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: (If possible, automatically check “This is a pre-release”) | |
02:30 | ogwata |
@shinyu 新しいサイト、見たところ良さそうですが、告知をして大丈夫でしょうか? |
02:30 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: The new site looks good, is it okay to announce it? |
02:32 | shinyu | v2.0.0リリースついてのブログ記事が必要です | |
02:32 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: Blog post about v2.0.0 release is required | |
02:53 | ogwata | はい、私が書きます。ただ明日の発表の準備がまだなので、来週からとりかかります。 | |
02:53 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: Yes, I write. However, we are not ready for the presentation tomorrow, so we will start next week. | |
02:55 | ogwata |
@spring-raining CLIの2.0リリースはいつくらいになりそうでしょうか。新サイトではCLIについての記事があります。https://vivliostyle.org/ja/getting-started/#Vivliostyle%20CLI%20v2.0.0Vivliostyle — open source, web browser based CSS typesetting engine project |
02:55 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: When will the 2.0 release of the CLI look like? The new site has an article about CLI. https://vivliostyle.org/ja/getting-started/#Vivliostyle%20CLI%20v2.0.0 | |
03:03 | spring-raining | 昼休みでやります、13時頃で! | |
03:03 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: I'll do it during lunch break, around 13:00! | |
05:41 | shinyu | v2.0.0 での旧バージョンからの変更をまとめるために、旧バージョン(monorepo化の前)の最後のバージョンを 2019.11.100 とタグ付けました。Created tag <https://github.com/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js/tree/2019.11.100 |
05:55 | spring-raining | 出しましたーー全然13時ではなかった | |
05:55 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: It wasn't 13 o'clock | |
06:34 | shinyu | GitHub上のリリースノートを書きました。リリース一覧の表示で 2019.11.100 (The last pre-release before v2) が v2.0.0 より上に表示されるようになってしまいましたが。 https://github.com/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js/releases |
06:34 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: I wrote release notes on GitHub. In the release list display, 2019.11.100 (The last pre-release before v2) is now displayed above v2.0.0 .https://github.com/vivliostyle/vivliostyle.js/releases |
08:18 | shinyu | Facebookにvivliostyleサイトをシェアしたときリンクのプレビューが旧デザインのままです。 Facebookのシェアデバッガーでも「もう一度スクレイピング」しても直りません。og:image の画像ファイル名が前と同じだから? https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/?q=https%3A%2F%2Fvivliostyle.org |
08:18 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: When sharing a vivliostyle site to Facebook, the link preview remains the old design. Even with Facebook's share debugger, "scraping again" does not help. Because the image file name of og: image is the same as before? https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/?q=https%3A%2F%2Fvivliostyle.org |
08:18 | yamasy1549 | 自分の方ではこうなってます https://vivliostyle.slack.com/files/UJ734DS4V/F0110KW3RL2/image.png |
08:18 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: This is how you are | |
08:23 | shinyu | 私のところでは、上記シェアデバッガーの画像の部分のコードは<img class="scaledImageFitWidth img" src="<https://external-nrt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQDfyxotpDSXFK4D&w=540&h=282&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvivliostyle.org%2Fassets%2Fdefault-social-image.png&cfs=1&upscale=1&fallback=news_d_placeholder_publisher&_nc_hash=AQAx3sKPrEX3ICqj>" data-src="<https://external-nrt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQDfyxotpDSXFK4D&w=540&h=282&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvivliostyle.org%2Fassets%2Fdefault-social-image.png&cfs=1&upscale=1&fallback=news_d_placeholder_publisher&_nc_hash=AQAx3sKPrEX3ICqj>" style="top:0px;" alt="" width="524" height="274"> で、そのimgのsrcのURLをここに貼ると https://external-nrt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQDfyxotpDSXFK4D&w=540&h=282&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvivliostyle.org%2Fassets%2Fdefault-social-image.png&cfs=1&upscale=1&fallback=news_d_placeholder_publisher&_nc_hash=AQAx3sKPrEX3ICqj 540x281px image |
08:23 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: In my case, the code of the image part of the above share debugger is`& lt; img class =" scaledImageFitWidth img "src =" <https://external-nrt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQDfyxotpDSXFK4D&w=540&h=282&url= https% 3A% 2F% 2Fvivliostyle.org% 2Fassets% 2Fdefault-social-image.png & amp; cfs = 1 & amp; upscale = 1 & amp; fallback = news_d_placeholder_publisher & amp; _nc_hash = AQAx3sKPrEX3ICqj> "data-src =" <https: // external-nrt -1.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQDfyxotpDSXFK4D&w;540&h=282&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvivliostyle.org%2Fassets%2Fdefault-social-image.png&cfs=1& ; upscale = 1 & amp; fallback = news_d_placeholder_publisher & amp; _nc_hash = AQAx3sKPrEX3ICqj> "style =" top: 0px; "alt =" "width =" 524 "height =" 274 "& gt;` And paste the URL of the img src here <https://external-nrt1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQDfyxotpDSXFK4D&w=540&h=282&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvivliostyle.org%2Fassets%2Fdefault-social -image.png & amp; cfs = 1 & amp; upscale = 1 & amp; fallback = news_d_placeholder_publisher & amp; _nc_hash = AQAx3sKPrEX3ICqj> |
08:24 | uetchy | しばらく待っていれば切り替わりますよ | |
08:24 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: It will switch if you wait for a while | |
08:26 | shinyu | では気にしないでFBでシェアしましょう | |
08:26 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: Let's share on FB without worrying | |
08:29 | shinyu | FBに投稿したら新しい画像になってました 🙌 | |
08:30 | Kiara Translation | 🇬🇧: After posting to FB, it became a new image: raised_hands: |