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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – August 14th, 2015

Bill McDonald edited this page Aug 15, 2015 · 2 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – August 14th, 2015


  • Bill McDonald - cmi5 Working Group Leader
  • Andy Johnson – ADL
  • Craig Wiggins – ADL
  • Frederic Tilkin – (Belgium)
  • Andrew McGarrity - Thrivist
  • Art Werkenthin - RISC
  • Henry Ryng – inXsol
  • Ray Lowery – Pratt & Whitney
  • Chris Amyot - ICOM Productions
  • Patrick Selby - LexisNexus
  • Brandt Dargue – Boeing Research & Technology


The group reviewed issues #233 and #234 related to extending moveOn capabilities. The group agreed that the spec as it exists currently addresses the use case specified and the additional capabilities conflicted with the goal of keeping the course structure “simple”.

cmi5 promotion

Next big promotional event for xAPI will be xAPI camp at DevLearn in Late September. There is no specific cmi5 presentation at this event, although it will likely be discussed. Progress on encouraging vendors to implement cmi5 protoypes and provide feedback has been slow. The release of Quartz will likely need to be slid to the right as current cmi5 working group participants plans for LRS/LMS development have also slid.


After the formal release of the Quartz, the next big milestone towards adoption will be creating “test suite” software to verify compliance. The ADL is currently seeking resources to support this activity and to develop cmi5 prototypes and reference implementations. This my also take awhile to get started. In the meantime the group agreed to begin work on testing criteria and testing procedures documents in anticipation of test suite development at a later date.

Adapting SCORM and AICC content to cmi5

Patrick Selby asked the group for ideas on how to adapt existing SCORM and AICC content to cmi5. Because of its JavaScript Interface, SCORM content can be easily “wrapped” with an HTML/JavaScript page that maps SCORM function calls to xAPI/cmi5 function calls. AICC/HACP content would be harder to make a wrapper for since it already uses HTTP/POST calls to send data to the LMS. An AICC to xAPI relay would have to be established on webserver to translate and relay the AICC/HACP commands to an LRS.

Next Meeting

Next Meeting: August 21st, 2015 – 10:30 am US Eastern Time

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