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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – May 15th

Bill McDonald edited this page May 15, 2020 · 2 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – May 15th


  • Bill McDonald (Working Group Leader)
  • Andy Johnson (ADL)
  • Florian Tolk (ADL)
  • Marcus Birtwhislte (ADL)
  • Dennis Hall (Learning Templates)
  • David Pesce (Exputo)
  • Mark Grant (Independent)
  • Henry Ryng (INXSOL)
  • Jason Haag (Veracity)
  • Matty Kahler (Articulate)
  • Geir Fuhre Pettersen (Conexus)
  • Art Werkenthin (Risc, inc)


cmi5 Test Suite - Request for Proposals - New process

The ADL is using a new process thru TREX (Training and Readiness Accelerator) to get proposals for cmi5 Test Suite development from the vendor community. The project request includes the following:

  • An open Source cmi5 Player
  • cmi5 Content Examples and Authoring guide
  • A cmi5 Conformance Test Suite
  • Documentation (Usage and Analysis)

(see the following link):

Submissions are due June 12, 2020.

cmi5 Narrative LMS flow

The group began adding talking points for the the LMS Process flow chart (one section per box) as follows:

Import Course Structure

  • There are 3 import scenarios:
    • ZIP file with media & manifest
    • ZIP file with manifest only (referencing media)
    • manifest only (referencing media)
  • Copy media (if present in Zip file) and read manifest (cmi5.xml) file
  • Get content metadata (URLs, Titles, launch parameters)
  • Get content hierarchy (content grouped in blocks)
  • Get course/block completion rules (called “moveOn” criteria)

See Sections (_____)

Assign Enrollment

  • Create a unique registration id for each learner enrollment in the course. See Sections (_____)

Check (initial) moveOn Rules

Upon enrollment the LMS needs to determine if any content (AU’s) has a default value for moveOn or is set to “NotApplicable”. This will result in:

  • Individual AU’s being set to “Satisfied” (moveOn rule met)
  • Entire course being set to “Satisfied” (moveOn rule met) if all AU’s Satisfied

It should also be noted that course developers may unintentionally create courses with all default settings that are automatically (completely) satisfied on enrollment. See Sections (_____)

Determine Launch Mode

Your LMS may have business rules for the following learner scenarios:

  • Launch content initially
  • Re-entering unfinished content
  • Reviewing Content that has previously been completed
  • Previewing Content (without being evaluation)

Prior to launching content, you will need to create a “state document” specific to the launch. Based on each scenario you will need to set the launchMode (in the state document) to the correct value (Normal, Review, or Browse).
See Sections (_____)

All Previous cmi5 Meeting Minutes

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