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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – March 9th

Bill McDonald edited this page Mar 12, 2018 · 11 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – March 9th


  • Bill McDonald (Working Group Leader)
  • Andy Johnson (ADL)
  • Ben Clark (Rustici Software)
  • Henry Ryng (InXSOL)
  • Charles Touron (USARMY CAC)
  • Clayton Miller (NextPort)
  • Ray Lowery (Pratt & Whitney)
  • Dennis Hall (Learning Templates)


cmi5 Conformance Testing - Mapping Requirements to Scenarios

The group continued to map cmi5 testing requirements reference numbers to the draft testing scenarios. The following scenarios were mapped.

  1. Individual AU Test (Simple) Simple Launch (Initial and re-entrant) (completed)

    • cmi5_8.1_1, cmi5_8.1_3, cmi5_8.1_4, cmi5_8.1_6, cmi5_8.1_8, cmi5_8.1_10, cmi5_8.1_12, cmi5_8.1_13, cmi5_9.6.3.1_1, cmi5_9.6.3.1_2, cmi5_9.6.3.7_1, cmi5_9.6.3.6_1, cmi5_10_5
  2. Individual AU Test (One Entrance - Passed) - Simple Launch (one launch pass)

    • (Same As scenario #1)
  3. Individual AU Test (Abandoned – AU crash After Launch) Simple Launch (Abandoned – Single AU crash After Launch)

    • (See scenario #1 plus the following)
      • cmi5_9.4._5, cmi5_9.5.4.2_1, cmi5_9.3_9, cmi5_9.3.6_1, cmi5_9.3_9

New Testing Scenarios

During the process of mapping, it was determined that a new scenario for the following requirement will need to be created:

  • cmi5_9.3.6_2 Learning Management System (LMS): After recording an "abandoned" (cmi5 defined) statement for a given session, the LMS MUST NOT allow any additional statements to be recorded for that session.

Testing Requirements

  • It the course of mapping testing requirements, the scenario of the LMS "forging" AU statements was identified as potential error condition to test for but, after some discussion, was determined to be "out of scope" for the cmi5 spec.

  • The group agreed that the wording on the following requirement should be changed to read:

    • cmi5_9.6.3.6_1 Learning Management System (LMS): LMS MUST add moveOn as an extension of context in a Launched statement provided in LMS.launchdata.
  • The group agreed to move the testing requirements document to the GitHub repo (from the wiki) for more formal document control (since we are now referencing in scenario drafts).

cmi5 Spec Erratta

The group agreed that the LMS Usage language in should add the requirement for a unique ID (as it is only mentioned in the description) session ID

Description: A unique identifier for a single AU launch session based on actor and course registration

LMS Usage: The value for session ID is generated by the LMS and MUST be unique. The LMS MUST also record the session ID in the State API (See Section 10) prior to launching an AU. The LMS MUST also provide the session ID in the context as an extension for all "cmi5 defined" and "cmi5 allowed" statements it makes directly in the LRS.

Discussion for next meeting

The group will continue to map cmi5 testing requirements reference numbers to each test scenario. (e.g."cmi5_8.1_1", "cmi5_8.1_3", etc.)

All Previous cmi5 Meeting Minutes

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