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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – October 15th

Bill McDonald edited this page Oct 16, 2021 · 9 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – October 15th


  • Bill McDonald (Working Group Leader)
  • Andy Johnson (ADL)
  • Florian Tolk (ADL)
  • Art Werkenthin (RISC, Inc)
  • Henry Ryng (InXSol)
  • Brian Miller (Rustici Software)
  • George Vilches (Rustici Software)
  • Christopher Thompson (Medcom, Inc.)
  • Simon Hsu (KeyBridge Technologies)
  • Chetan Sachdev ()
  • Russ Engoran ()
  • Paul Tyson (Oberon Technologies)
  • Brian Duck ()
  • Erica Cross (ECZ & Company LLC)
  • Matt Westover (ECZ & Company LLC)
  • Carsten König ()
  • Geir Fuhre Pettersen (Conexus)



The group continued it discussion on user issues with the new cmi5 Test Suite Software (CATAPULT).

  • There is an xAPI Learning Cohort the has been conducting workshops on how to use CATAPULT. This effort may be a good source of tips and best practices for CATALPULT setup. Members of cmi5 working group participating in this cohort will report back on what is learned.

  • And issue was raised the the CATAPULT Documentation for LMS testsuite's inferface (See Link) as not being complete enough for new developers. Members of the CATAPULT development team will review

xAPI Profile Server/Specification

The group extensively discussed the status of the cmi5 spec's profile listed on the ADL's xapi authored profile Github.

  • The cmi5 JSON Profile listed was not complete/accurate.
  • It was reviewed in 2020 by the cmi5 working group but was shelfed as the xAPI Profile Server was under development (and the xAPI profile spec is evolving).
  • Note that cmi5 specification is the authoritative source for compliance NOT the xAPI profile.
  • The ADL's xAPI Profile Server is now online and designed to manage the authoring and publishing of xAPI profiles. Entries in the xAPI Profile Server are intended to replace the previous gitHub (xapi authored profiles)
  • The current cmi5 Profile entry is also incomplete and needs further review. Only concepts are defined.
  • cmi5 predates xAPI profiles. (Note that the current cmi5 spec version, "Quartz" was released in 2016). The xAPI profile specification was not defined well enough during cmi5 development for the working group to effectively align with its efforts. Further, the xAPI Profile spec does not have the enough features to define all cmi5 requirements.
  • The group discussed the benefits of updating the cmi5 profile entry to accurately align with the portions of the cmi spec that are covered by the xAPI profiles spec

Other Links Referenced during the discussion:

All Previous cmi5 Meeting Minutes

cmi5 on GitHub:

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