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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – December 4th, 2015

Bill McDonald edited this page Dec 9, 2015 · 7 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes - December 4th, 2015


  • Bill McDonald - cmi5 Working Group Leader
  • Bernard Bouyt - Airbus
  • Andy Johnson – ADL
  • Ben Clark – Rustici Software
  • Brian Miller – Rustici Software
  • Art Werkenthin – RISC inc
  • Dennis Hall -


cmi5 Specification Changes

Issue #303 - Specified version of xAPI?

Change IRI definition as follows:

  • Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI): A unique identifier according to RFC 3987.

Issue #304 - IRI Definition Change

The group agreed to use the following xAPI specification reference (subject to change just prior to release): "xAPI version 1.0.x"

Issue #314 - Waived verb with reason extension

To correct for issue # the following changes will be made:

  • Move to
  • Update Example to have “reason” in 9.5 (and Remove from 9.6)

Issue #305 - Repeated Course Structure Requirements

The group agreed to change section 6.0 to replace normative language with informative language and remove redundant requirements.

6.0 LMS Requirements

LMS requirements to conform to this specification are as follows:

  • Implement an LRS as defined in the xAPI specification.
  • Implement additional "State API" requirements to initialize the AU state as defined in Section 10.
  • Implement the runtime launch interface as defined in Section 8.0 – Content Launch Mechanisms.
  • Implement additional xAPI "Statement API" requirements as defined in Section 9.
  • Implement additional xAPI "Agent Profile API" requirements as defined in Section 11.
  • Implement course structures as defined in Section 6.1.

6.3 LMS Statement API Requirements

The LMS MUST NOT provide permissions/credentials which allow the AU to issue voiding Statements.

The LMS SHOULD reject statements that conflict with the "Statement API" requirements as defined in Section 9.

The LMS MUST Void statements that are NOT rejected AND conflict with the "Statement API" requirements as defined in Section 9.

Issue #315 9.6.2 - Talks about key/value pairs where it means Activities

Remove the following sentence from "9.6.2 contextActivities":

Each category is tagged with name value pairs of "id" and an IRI.

Issue #317 Example launch URL should be URL encoded?

Add the following to section 8.1 Launch Method:

For readability the above example is not URL encoded.

Issue #318 - Mastery score/move on in launchdata marked as required

LMS Usage: When defined, the LMS MUST include the "masteryScore" value based on the value defined in the course structure for the AU being launched.

LMS Required: If the masteryScore is defined by the course designer in the Course Structure, the LMS MUST include the masteryScore in the State API document.

Issue #320 - Need to update Course Structure refs

Search and Replace Course structure section numbers using Section 13 (replace from 7)

Issue #322 "CMI5LearnerPreferences" shouldn't be capital "CMI"

Search and replace "CMI5" with "cmi5"

Issue #324 - Don't use "xAPI Messages"

Change "xAPI message" to "xAPI request" - (globally)

Issue #325 - Why is contextTemplate "LMS implementation specific."?

Modify section 10.0 xAPI State Data Model as follows:

LMS Usage: LMS MUST include a contextTemplate and place the value for session ID in the "" element of the context object's extension collection. The LMS MAY place additional values in the contextTemplate.

Next Meeting:

Next Meeting: Dec 11th, 2015 – 10:30 am US Eastern Time

Previous Minutes

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