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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – July 25th

Bill McDonald edited this page Jul 25, 2021 · 3 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – July 25th


Meeting Attendee list pending...


Unsatisfiable States

The group discussed at length possible remedies for courses where specific AU's could be put into "unsatisfiable" states.

The proposals include future changes to the spec to add functionality as follows:

  • "Unsatisfiable" Verb/Statement - Add a cmi5 defined verb for an AU to send if it reaches an "unsatisfiable" state (where it is not possible for the learner to meet the AU's requirements for "completed" or "passed" ). This statement can be monitored by the LMS and used for error handling.

  • "moveOnAllowed - Add an AU metadata element to the course structure that describes which moveOn criteria that the AU is capable of supporting. An LMS could use this information to prevent an admistrative user from making a course edit resulting in a unsatisfiable state.

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