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Cloud Effect

AkitoBurrito edited this page Aug 10, 2022 · 1 revision

Cloud Effect

Source Code

Description: This effect creates a puffy cloud.


Option Description Type Default Value
cloudParticle The name of the particle that is displayed for the cloud. (uses different particle names compared to general magicspells). The list of these particles can be found here. String CLOUD
cloudColor The HEX color of the particle used for cloudParticle. REDSTONE, SPELL_MOB and SPELL_MOB_AMBIENT particles can be colored. Hex/String null
cloudSpeed The speed of the cloud particles. Float 0
cloudParticles The number of particles that are displayed for the cloud. Integer 50
cloudSize The size of the cloud in blocks. Float 0.7
mainParticle The name of the particle that is displayed for the precipitation. (uses different particle names compared to general magicspells). The list of these particles can be found here. String WATER_DRIP
mainParticles The number of particles that are displayed for the precipitation. Integer 15
particleRadius The radius of the precipitation particles. Defaults to the cloudSize - 0.1. Float 0.6
yOffset Offset of the effect from the location on the y-axis. Double 0.8
increaseHeight Whether the effect increases its height every iteration. Boolean true
type The type of effect used. The three types are DELAYED, INSTANT, and REPEATING. String REPEATING
period How long to wait, in ticks, between each iteration. Integer 5
iterations Number of times to repeat the effect. Integer 50


    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
        position: caster
        effect: effectlib 
            class: CloudEffect
            cloudParticle: CLOUD
            cloudParticles: 50
            cloudSpeed: 0
            cloudSize: 0.7
            mainParticle: WATER_DRIP
            mainParticles: 15
            particleRadius: 0.6
            yOffset: 0.8
            increaseHeight: true
            type: REPEATING
            period: 5
            iterations: 50
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