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Explode Effect

AkitoBurrito edited this page May 27, 2023 · 1 revision

Explode Effect

Source Code

Description: This effect creates a large explosion.


Option Description Type Default Value
particle1 The name of the first particle that is displayed in the explosion. (uses different particle names compared to general magicspells). The list of these particles can be found here. String EXPLOSION_NORMAL
particle2 The name of the second particle that is displayed in the explosion. (uses different particle names compared to general magicspells). The list of these particles can be found here. String EXPLOSION_HUGE
amount The number of smoke-sparks spawned by the explosion. Integer 25
sound The sound effect played by the explosion. This can be either be a vanilla sound or a custom sound from a resource pack. Sound ENTITY_GENERIC_EXPLOSION
type The type of effect used. The three types are DELAYED, INSTANT, and REPEATING. String INSTANT
speed The speed of the explosion particles. Float 0.5


    spell-class: ".instant.DummySpell"
        position: caster
        effect: effectlib 
            class: ExplodeEffect
            particle1: EXPLOSION_NORMAL
            particle2: EXPLOSION_HUGE
            amount: 25
            type: INSTANT
            speed: 0.5
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