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Combust Spell

MomoPewpew edited this page Jul 28, 2023 · 8 revisions

Source Code

spell-class: ".targeted.CombustSpell"


A targeted spell that sets the target on fire. Spell Power affects the fire duration (the fire-ticks option).


Option Description Default Value
fire-ticks How long the target should burn. (in ticks) 100
fire-tick-damage How much damage should be dealt each damage tick. 1
prevent-immunity If this is true, the temporary damage immunity given to a player upon taken damage will not be given for this spell. true
check-plugins If this is true, the spell will attempt to check other plugins for pvp restrictions. true
power-affects-fire-ticks Self-explanatory. true
power-affects-fire-tick-damage Self-explanatory. true


    spell-class: ".targeted.CombustSpell"
    name: combust
    cooldown: 10
    range: 20
    fire-ticks: 100
    fire-tick-damage: 1
    prevent-immunity: true
    target-players: true
    check-plugins: true
    str-no-target: No target found.
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