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MomoPewpew edited this page Jul 28, 2023 · 8 revisions

(Source Code)

spell-class: ".targeted.TotemSpell"


Totem spell spawns an armor stand which can pulse spells.


Option Description Default Value
helmet air
chestplate air
leggings air
boots air
off-hand (Offhand) air
main-hand air
y-offset 0
interval The time in ticks between each spellcast the totem makes. 30
total-pulses How many times the totem should attempt to cast its spells before expiring. 5
cap-per-player How many totems each player can have at once. 10
max-distance The maximum amount of blocks the player can be from their totem before it vanishes. 30
allow-caster-target Whether the caster should be able to target the totem with his spells. false
marker When marker is set to true the armorstand's hitbox is set to 0 and the interaction with it is disabled. false
gravity Should gravity be applied to the armor stand? false
visible Should the armor stand be visible? true
targetable Should the armor stand be targetable? true
totem-name-visible This toggles the visibility of the custom name - in case the totem is named for targeting purposes (modifiers). true
only-count-on-success If true, only successfully casted spells (requiring targets, as an example) will count towards total-pulses. Useful in making trap-style spells. false
str-at-cap String message for if the player has the maximum amount of totems out already. "You have too many effects at once."
totem-name The entity's custom name. Supports variable replacement ""
spells Sub-spell list to pulse through. Empty
spell-on-break Sub-spell the totem should cast if it is broken. null


    spell-class: ".targeted.TotemSpell"
    range: 3
    cooldown: 12
    permission-name: totem
    total-pulses: 2
    interval: 5
    max-distance: 500
    helmet: GLASS
    totem-name: "&6Totem of Pain"
    only-count-on-success: true
    str-at-cap: "You can only control 2 totems at once!"
    cap-per-player: 2
        - AOE_TOTEM
    spell-class: ".targeted.AreaEffectSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    permission-name: totem
    horizontal-radius: 10
    vertical-radius: 10
    can-target: players,nonplayers
        - DOT_TOTEM
    spell-class: ".targeted.DotSpell"
    helper-spell: true
    permission-name: totem
    delay: 5
    interval: 20
    duration: 200
    damage: 1
    prevent-knockback: true 
    can-target: players,nonplayers
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