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Entity Data

MomoPewpew edited this page Nov 16, 2024 · 16 revisions

This section explains how to properly configure entity data section in spells.

Option Description Default Value
size Sets the size of the entity (slime and pufferfish size) 0
baby Spawns baby version of the entity false
tamed Spawns tamed version of the entity false
angry Spawns angry version of the entity false
chested Spawns chested version of the entity false
powered Spawns powered version of the entity false
saddled Spawns saddled version of the entity false
sheared Spawns sheared version of the entity false
material Defines the material. ""
type Defines entity type. ""
color Defines the entity color. ""
pattern-color Defines the pattern color. ""
style Defines the entity style ""
entity Defines the entity type ""

Supported entities and how options affect them:

Entity Options
player -
wither_skeleton -
zombie_villager -
creeper powered - makes the creeper powered
villager type - sets the villager profession
sheep color - sets the sheep color
sheared - makes the sheep sheared
rabbit type - sets the rabbit type
wolf color - sets the wolf's collar color
tamed - makes the wolf tamed
angry - makes the wolf angry
pig saddled - makes the pig saddled
iron_golem -
mooshroom -
magma_cube size - sets the magma cube size
ocelot -
snow_golem -
wither -
ender_dragon -
horse color - sets the horse color
style - sets the horse style
saddled - makes the horse wear a saddle
skeleton_horse saddled - makes the horse wear a saddle
zombie_horse saddled - makes the horse wear a saddle
mule chested - makes the mule wear chests
donkey chested - makes the mule wear chests
elder_guardian -
slime size - sets the slime size
cod -
salmon -
pufferfish size - sets the pufferfish size
tropical_fish type - sets the fish pattern
color - sets the fish base color
pattern-color - sets the pattern color
llama color - sets the llama color
material - sets the decor material
polar_bear -
armor_stand small - makes the armor stand small
has-arms - should the armor stand have arms?
marker - should it be a marker? (meaning it has a very small collision box)
visible - should the armor stand be visible?
has-base-plate - should the armor stand have its base plate?
head-angle - head angle
body-angle - body angle
left-arm-angle - left arm angle
right-arm-angle - right arm angle
left-leg-angle - left leg angle
right-leg-angle - right leg angle
bat -
blaze -
dolphin -
enderman material - sets the item in its hands
ghast -
guardian -
illusioner -
vindicator -
evoker -
skeleton -
spider -
cave_spider -
giant -
zombie baby - makes the zombie a baby
zombie_pigman -
silverfish -
witch -
endermite -
shulker -
cow -
chicken -
squid -
parrot type - sets the parrot variant
turtle -
phantom size - sets the size of the phantom
drowned -
falling_block material - sets the falling block material
item material - sets the item material
display view-range - Sets the view distance/ range of this display.
shadow-radius - Sets the shadow radius of this display.
shadow-strength - Sets the shadow strength of this display.
width - Sets the width of this display.
height - Sets the height if this display.
billboard - Sets the billboard setting of this entity. The billboard setting controls the automatic rotation of the entity to face the player.
glow-color-override - Sets the scoreboard team overridden glow color of this display.
brightness - Sets the brightness override of the entity.
  block - The block lighting component of this brightness.
  sky - The sky lighting component of this brightness.
transformation - Sets the transformation applied to this display.
Multiple transformations can be applied to an entity in sequence by using transformation-2, transformation-3 etc. and setting an interpolation-delay on them.
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